Pirate’s code: First freedom and the captain. Second the loot, third woman and the rum and at the end no mercy if they not immediately surrender!

Mark, Annie and our fabulous staff welcome you to The Tavern – The Thirsty Oyster Tavern – where you will be greeted by the same familiar faces, enjoy the same delicious food and meet old friends and new at THE ONE AND ONLY TAVERN in the historic Old Harbour in Gordon’s Bay. A warm thank you to our locals and regulars – without you winter would be just that, winter!! We would also like to thank our patrons who fly and drive far and wide to enjoy our hospitality. So, if you haven’t been, we hope to see you soon.

Over the past thirteen years, we have grown from a fisherman’s pub to a very successful, well patronised seafood restaurant, with fresh fish supplied by our local fishermen and other suppliers – and sometimes, straight from the boats to the table. Just click on Our Menu to see our full range. Our kitchen has been enlarged three times; we have enclosed the entrance deck, enlarged the dining area and added an upstairs deck that boasts a spectacular view overlooking False Bay with Table Mountain in the background – not to mention the most spectacular sunsets!

It was originally a fresh fish shop before it became a fishermans pub
Before the ship was “wrecked”
A work in progress: Mark, Adi and Geoff are still helping Rasta put the finishing touches to it

Get in Touch

Telephone: +27 21 856 4457 | info@thethirstyoyster.co.za

Take N2 to Somerset West, take exit 43, turn right onto Broadway Boulevard toward Strand, turn right onto Main Road, turn left onto Gordon’s Bay road, take right fork onto Beach road at BP garage, carry on until you reach the Old Harbour on your right

Please no email bookings

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